To adventure...!

and such.

La Ballena

La Ballena
Three mammals

Monday, December 7, 2009

Revised view on cold weather

After one week with decreasing temps, i revise (momentarily) my viewpoint.

When i can't make tea because my water jug is thoroughly solidly frozen...which makes pouring water into the pot rather tricky...

When there is no amount of layers or time in my sleeping bag that erases the aching and burning in my fingers and feet...

When my poor claustrophobic kitty kat is sleeping INSIDE of my sleeping bag with me at night (classically taking up waaaayyy more space than should be legal)....

When my 'kitchen' faucet has an icicle hanging from it though the pipes have been long frozen...

And when i'm nervous to even use my imagination regarding my 'evacuation system'...

Then, now....i'm using mental imagery and placing myself squarely beach side, baking in sun too hot for comfort, feeling my skin almost burning, and knowing that one day an ice cold margarita will once again sound enticing.

cheers to hot toddies and getting that whale moving! come on carbeurator king, bless me with some sweet loving~

PS my heart, empathy, and any spare gloves go out to anyone sleeping outdoors this night and many others to follow


  1. Darlin! I was sat upon that very beach, personifying your imagery; skin burning, and cravings for the ice cold margherita totally appropriate - just a few days ago.
    NZ's waitin for ya!
